1. The only language spoken or written on this forum is English.
2. Flaming, spamming, or rudeness will not be tolerated.
3. Please post in the correct section(s).Read the forum description before posting.
of "bumping" a thread are considered off topic and not allowed.
4. Do not post pornographic content, such as images, text, video, links, passwords, etc or material that is “adult orientated.
5. Do not make offensive posts such as, but not limited to, posts which contain discriminatory comments, racist comments or swearing.
6. We urge you not to post advertisements, except in the Link Collection Forum, Referral links are forbidden.
7. Information within posts is very important to the smooth running of the forum as it allows users to find items which suit their needs. Please make sure to include as complete a description of the item being offered as possible.
8. All links posted on the forum must be coded – including internal links. 9. Do not post hacking programs, utilities, flooders or spam tools. Do not post any program, tool, utility, or tutorial which may be used to potentially cause damage to or invade the privacy of another person’s computer.
10. Do not bypass or attempt to bypass the word filter. Doing so may result in being banned.
11. All requests must be in the appropriate request section or they will be trashed.
12. Please do not post your links more than once.
13. Do not use asterisks or any other characters in your post header to gain attention for your post.
14. Please do not use all capital letters in your topic’s header or title. This rule does not apply to scene and P2P releases.
15. Do not post tags in the header or title of your topic. (example: [http], [RS], [HOT] etc.) Consistently using tags in your headers may result in a warning.
16. Do not post masked, protected, or redirecting links.
17. The rules listed here also apply to private messages (PM’s), avatars, and signatures on the forum.